segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

If fate means you to lose, give it a good fight anyhow.

If fate means you to lose, give it a good fight anyhow.

Yeah, thats why football (soccer, sarcastic sucker son of a sociopath) is that damn violent lately (using this lame 22 grown ups running after a ball amazing sport to describe it [in my country is a civil obligation to love it] to exemplify all sports lately [remember that my math teacher told me to put "[" into "(" justifying the use of "]"s )... "C'mon guys, have faith, is not that hard" 30 min later 1x0 to the others "C'MOOONNN MOFOS BREAK SOME LEGSSSSS GIMME BLOOODDD SARCASTIC SON OF A SOCIOPATH"...

Faith n Fight fuckin families from frutification!

Life is not that short I aint doin anything longer anyway.

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