quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

Am I?

Test color can generate over 50 million different answers,
each one written by an artificial intelligence engine for every test
The Color Test was done 3812576 times, thank you for your confidence.

Result of your test :

Your results present a correlation ratio with our model superior to 97 % .
( In a general way, a result can be taken into account if this ratio is superior to 30 %.)

Your Profile :

You are 46 % extrovert and 54 % introvert.

Independently of any order of importance :
You are able to have an in-depth thinking, you think before acting, and you know how to communicate your knowledge.
You are also attentive and cautious, you take into account the needs of others before setting up the defined goals.
Finely you are a leader, you know how to organize the groups of persons and give them your energy.

Your attitude towards the environment :


At first, at 38%, you are centered on your thoughts and your actions are determined by your knowledge and your experience.

Then, at a rate of 34%, you are focused on the facts and on the reality, and your decisions are determined by your perception of facts.

Finally, at 26%, you are attached to moral values and feelings, and you have an emotional relation with the environment.

Your highest qualities today :

At 21 %, you are thoughtful and deep, you think before getting into action and you know how to communicate your knowledge.

At 21 %, you are intellectual and intelligent, you keep wondering and inquiring before setting up your next step or defining your values.

At 20 %, you are attuned to others and you show a good emotional intelligence, which allow you to give support to people.

At 19 %, you are thoughtful and capable of listening to others, you take into account the needs of others before setting up the defined objectives.

At 16 %, you are a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them to the fixed goals.

Finely, you are a manager and a leader, and you know how to organize groups of people and how to give them your energy, you are open and good communicator, you know how to attract people and engage them.

terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009


Its not the greapfruit but the good mornings that you give in your way to the market (grapefruit, what a bad taste for fruits =P)


I'll have it Dry!

Marcelo Garcia: bitch, go read my blog..
Somesan Adrian Somesan: no
Marcelo Garcia: I knew the answer
Somesan Adrian Somesan: altceva ?
Marcelo Garcia: that will be all.. have a pleasent day..

segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

If fate means you to lose, give it a good fight anyhow.

If fate means you to lose, give it a good fight anyhow.

Yeah, thats why football (soccer, sarcastic sucker son of a sociopath) is that damn violent lately (using this lame 22 grown ups running after a ball amazing sport to describe it [in my country is a civil obligation to love it] to exemplify all sports lately [remember that my math teacher told me to put "[" into "(" justifying the use of "]"s )... "C'mon guys, have faith, is not that hard" 30 min later 1x0 to the others "C'MOOONNN MOFOS BREAK SOME LEGSSSSS GIMME BLOOODDD SARCASTIC SON OF A SOCIOPATH"...

Faith n Fight fuckin families from frutification!

Life is not that short I aint doin anything longer anyway.

domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

Today's fortune: If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances

If I'm never scared, good, dont like that feeling anyway, If I'm never embarressed, better, it means that high school passed and I'm not singing in public drunk (or am I), and If I never get hurt from now on, praise to the lord! Pain sucks anyway, unless it's small bites near the ear and some fingernails scratching my back.

Maybe It means that I have cojones, dont give a shit about what the others are thinking and I'm careful with what I am doing.

Got milk? (pussy, go grab some beer)

sábado, 27 de junho de 2009

some stuff that my drunken patience helped me to explain

ok, i didnt know that i have to explain irony, but as some friends of mine are asking why is fallow and not follow Ill say it once: fallow is an agricultural practice to work the land with some poison or animal manure so unwanted herbs cant grow, as an adjective means a person without culture (inculto, inculta [ĩ'kultu, ĩ'kultɐ]) so, it's not saying, and in the same time wants to express it, for you to follow this blog or not, it's just some sarcastic way to say, be stupid or not, and its not about you that read this piece of crap it's about the piece of crap itself.

Irony, making insults better to be expressed since ellipsis!


I am up for it

lights and colors they dont even match, the day has gone the nite is last the wound is past cuase alcoohol talks lauder inside my head... and like John Wilmot, aka The Earl of Rochester would say, young lady "I wish you to shag", thats the best of fortune anyone can have... "I wish you to shag." thats the way it is done since the begining and it will be at the last.

anyone can drink, not many can match my determination.